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JoIn our school

We do still have places for children wishing to join Reception in September 2024 and would encourage you to come and see us! As with mid-year transfers if you are coming to us from another school, all applications must be made through the Norfolk County Council admissions process but we'd welcome you for an informal chat and tour of our school - just call or email the School Office.

Make an application

Apply online

If you prefer you can post your application to us. Download an application form or use our online contact form to ask us to send you one.

When does a child start school?

  • If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, they are due to start school in reception class in the school year starting September 2025.
  • Parents are entitled to defer their child’s admission or request that their child attend on a part-time basis. By law, children must start statutory education full-time no later than the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. Read our parents’ guide to admissions to schools in Norfolk for more information.


  • You will need to make an application for a reception class place, even if your child currently attends a nursery class at the same school
  • Attendance at a nursery attached to a school, does not normally give you any priority for a place at that school

The admissions process in Norfolk

For more information about the admissions process and answers to frequently asked questions, download our parents’ guide to admissions to schools in Norfolk. You can also download information about each primary and infant school.

First admission to school timetable for September 2025

  • Applications open - 23 September 2024 
  • Applications close - 15 January 2025 
  • National offer day (when you get your school offer) - 16 April 2025 
  • Appeals closing date - 26 May 2025 
  • Mini admission round starts (consider changes parents have made to their applications since the closing date) - 20 May 2025 
  • Appeals hearings take place - June/July 2025 
  • Waiting lists for oversubscribed schools until 31 December 2025