Exciting proposal for a Pre-School at CASTON
The community's views are sought on the proposed addition of a Pre-School here at Caston
We have been keen for some time to develop our provision, and propose that from September 2024 we shall be able to welcome children who have celebrated their third birthday: forming an Early Years unit with our Reception Class. Our Reception class, with free-flow outside area, is a really lovely space led by class teachers Miss Lindop and Mr Halmshaw (also Head of School and SENCO). "We are excited to invite younger children to join us, giving them the opportunity to develop friendships and social skills, and start through play to pick up skills to help them on their next steps," Miss Lindop says. "We have seen in other settings that children who are familiar with Pre-School are more able to make a near-seamless transition into formal schooling, when the time comes."
The consultation period is open until 4pm on 4 April. You can give us your views by accessing the QR code within the consultation document (downloadable below) or by picking up a paper copy from the Office during school hours.